Learning, Islamic religious education, formation, personality, childrenAbstract
Children are individuals who are still in the stage of physical and psychological development and are susceptible to environmental influences. Islamic religious education can provide a moral, ethical, and spiritual foundation that positively shapes the character and personality of children. This study aims to analyze the influence of Islamic religious education on the formation of children's personalities. The study uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques through surveys using questionnaires. The collected data is then analyzed using the SPSS program. The results of the study show that Islamic religious education significantly influences the formation of children's personalities. Islamic religious education plays an important role in shaping children's personalities by teaching the values, teachings, and guidance of Islam. Through this education, children can develop strong character, good morals, and a positive attitude in everyday life. Children's personalities are formed through an understanding of moral values, ethics, social responsibility, and independence instilled through religious education
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