
  • Adinda Aryani Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa
  • Silvya Wirnanda Rambe Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa



Student Character, Education, Knowledge, Teacher Religious Education, Ethics


Teachers have an important role in shaping students' character through ethics, morals and responsibility. This role is very important to produce a young generation who is responsible and has integrity. Teachers are not just people who tell people, they are also people who set examples and help people understand and apply these important principles in everyday life. Teachers can help students become people who have a strong moral foundation and are ready to face future challenges by using a wise and consistent approach. The role of teachers in forming student character, as previously explained, is very important and fundamental in developing student character. Many studies emphasize the importance of the teacher's role in forming students' character and how this impacts students' personal and social development. Research has shown that teachers who exemplify good morals and ethics tend to have a positive influence on the character of their students. Students who have teachers who are consistent with positive values ​​have a higher tendency to internalize and adopt these values ​​in everyday life. Additionally, research has shown that moral lessons that rely solely on concrete examples are less effective than moral lessons that rely solely on examples. Teachers who apply moral principles in the classroom and in their relationships with students tend to create stronger learning experiences. Character education also helps strengthen a person's moral integrity, so that they have a solid moral foundation to face the desires and pressures of the outside world


Abdul Majid, S.Ag, M. P., & Dian Andayani, S.Pd, M. P. (2011). Pendidikan Karakter Perspektif Islam (A. S. Wardan (ed.)). Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya.

Drs. Agus Taufiq, M. P., Dra. Puji Lestari Prianto, M. P., & Hera Lestari Mikarsa, P. . (2017). Pendidikan Anak di SD (Zulkarnaini, A. B.S, & S. Nurhayati (eds.); Kesatu). Penerbit Universitas Terbuka.

Listyarti, R. (2012). Pendidikan Karakter dalam Metode Aktif, Inovatif & Kreatif. Penerbit Erlangga.

Muhammad Wahyudi, M. P. ., Dra. Helda Jolanda Pentury, M. P., & Anastasia Dewi Anggraeni, M. . (2023). Profesi Kependidikan Dan Keguruan (C. Septian Nur Ika Trisnawati, M.Pd (ed.)). Tahta Media Group.

Mulyani Sumantri, M. S. (2017). Perkembangan Peserta Didik (A. Mangapul, Liskunarko, & S. Nurhayati (eds.); Kesatu). Penerbit Universitas Terbuka.




How to Cite

Aryani, A., & Rambe, S. W. (2024). PERAN GURU DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER SISWA. Jurnal Al Wahyu, 2(1), 185–200.