Publication Ethics
Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public confidence in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their work and ideas.
Article Judgement
All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. If approved by the editor, the manuscript will be considered by a bestary partner, whose identity will be kept confidential to the author. Authors may mention excluded reviewers in their cover letter and although this information will be forwarded to the handling editor, it may not be honoured due to editorial requirements in peer review.
Our Research Integrity Team will occasionally seek advice beyond standard peer review, for example, on manuscripts that have serious ethical, safety, biosecurity or social implications. We may consult with experts and academic editors before deciding on an appropriate course of action, including but not limited to recruiting reviewers with specialised expertise, assessment by additional editors, and refusing to consider the submission further.
Authors should not use the words, images, or ideas of others without acknowledging the source. All sources must be cited at the time of use, and re-use of words must be limited and attributed or cited in the text. Al-Qadhi Journal uses our own software to detect manuscripts that overlap with manuscripts that have already been published and submitted.
Manuscripts found to have been plagiarised from manuscripts by other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be rejected and authors may be penalised. Published articles may need to be corrected or retracted.
Duplicate Submissions and Excessive Publication
Al-Qadhi Journal only considers original content, i.e. articles that have never been published before, including in languages other than Bahasa Indonesia, English or Arabic. Articles based on content that has been previously published only on preprint servers, institutional repositories, or in theses will be considered.
Manuscripts submitted to Journal Al-Qadhi should not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration and must be withdrawn before submission. Authors whose articles are found to have been simultaneously submitted elsewhere may be penalised.
If authors have used their own previously published work, or work currently under review, as the basis for their submitted manuscript, they should cite the earlier article and indicate how their submitted manuscript differs from their earlier work. Reuse of the author's own words outside the Methods should be attributed or cited in the text. Large reuse of figures or authors' own words may require permission from the copyright holder and authors are responsible for obtaining this.
Al-Qadhi Journal will consider extended versions of articles published at conferences provided that this is stated in the cover letter, previous versions are clearly cited and discussed, there is significant new content, and the necessary permissions have been obtained.
Over-publication, inappropriate division of research results into more than one article (also known as salami slicing), may result in rejection or a request to merge submitted manuscripts, and correction of published articles. Multiple publications of the same, or very similar, article may result in retraction of the more recent article and the author may be penalised.
Citation Manipulation
Authors whose manuscripts are found to contain citations whose primary purpose is to increase the number of citations to a particular author's work, or to articles published in a particular journal, may be penalised.
Editors and reviewers should not ask authors to include references simply to increase citations to their own or their colleagues' work, to the journal, or to other related journals.
Fabrication and Falsification
Authors of submitted manuscripts or published articles found to have fabricated or falsified results, including image manipulation, may be penalised, and the published article may be retracted.
Authorship and Acknowledgements
All authors listed must have made a significant scientific contribution to the research in the manuscript, agree to its claims, and agree to be an author. It is important to list all people who made significant scientific contributions. We refer to the Al-Qadhi Journal guidelines. Author contributions can be described at the end of the manuscript, optionally using roles defined by CRediT. Changes in authorship must be declared to the journal and agreed by all authors.
Anyone who contributed to the research or preparation of the manuscript, but is not an author, should be acknowledged with their permission.
Manuscripts submitted by anyone other than one of the authors will not be considered.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest (COI, also known as a 'competing interest') occurs when issues outside the research can be perceived to affect the neutrality or objectivity of the work or its judgement. Potential conflicts of interest must be declared-whether or not they actually have an effect-to enable appropriate decisions to be made. In most cases, this declaration will not stop the work from being published nor will it necessarily prevent someone from being involved in the review process.
If unsure, declare the potential interest or discuss it with the editor. Undeclared interests may be penalised. Manuscripts with undeclared conflicts that later come to light may be rejected. Published articles may need to be reassessed, published in error, or in serious cases retracted.
Conflicts include the following:
- Financial-funding and other payments, goods and services received or expected by the author relating to the subject of the work or from organisations with an interest in the outcome of the work.
- Affiliation-being employed by, on the advisory board of, or a member of an organisation with an interest in the work
- Intellectual property-patents or trademarks owned by a person or their organisation
- Personal-friends, family, relations, and other close personal relationships
- Ideology-beliefs or activism, for example, political or religious, that are relevant to the work
- Academics-competitors or someone whose work is being criticised
Authors should declare all potential interests in the 'Conflicts of interest' section, which should explain why the interest may be a conflict. If there are none, the author should state "The author declares that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper." The author submitting the manuscript is responsible for the co-authors declaring their interests.
Authors must declare current or recently received funding (including article processing fees) and any other payments, goods or services that could influence the work. All funding, whether or not conflicted, should be declared in the 'Acknowledgements'.
The involvement of anyone other than the author who 1) has an interest in the work; 2) is affiliated with an organisation that has such an interest; or 3) is employed or paid by the funder, in the commissioning, conception, planning, design, execution, or analysis of the work, the preparation or editing of the manuscript, or the decision to publish must be declared.
Declared conflicts of interest will be considered by the editors and reviewers and included in the published article.
Editors and Reviewers
Editors and reviewers should decline to be involved in submissions when they
- Have a recent publication or manuscript in progress with any author
- Share or have recently shared an affiliation with any author
- Collaborate or recently collaborated with any author
- Have a close personal relationship with any author
- Have a financial interest in the subject of the work
- Feel unable to be objective
Reviewers should declare any remaining interests in the 'Confidential' section of the review form, which will be considered by the editor.
Editors and reviewers should state if they have previously discussed the manuscript with the authors.
If the Journal becomes aware of a breach of our publication ethics policy, whether the breach occurs in a journal published by Journal Al-Qadhi or not, the following sanctions may be applied across the journal:
- Rejection of the manuscript and any other manuscripts submitted by the author.
- Not allowing submissions for 1-3 years.
- Prohibition to act as editor or reviewer.
Al-Qadhi Journal may apply additional sanctions for severe ethical violations.
All authors will be asked to agree to the contents of the notice.
This Publication Ethics follows from