money laundering, economic life, money laundry crimeAbstract
Deviant acts, especially money laundering, pose a great threat to social and economic life, and the crime is considered a form of malicious conduct that causes huge losses and creates instability in society. With the development of technology and economy, criminals are seeking sophisticated ways to hide criminal assets through the financial system. Money laundering, in particular, has emerged as a form of cross-border crime and is receiving great attention, especially as it negatively impacts the economic stability of countries such as Indonesia. Strict legal guidelines and international cooperation are needed to address this threat and ensure the integrity and stability of the financial and economic sectors. Through comparative analysis, policy recommendations are made that aim to strengthen law enforcement and prevent ML. This interdisciplinary approach aims to deepen our understanding of ML and develop more effective prevention efforts. The findings of money laundering (ML) highlight its negative impact on Indonesia's economic stability. Addressing this requires stronger preventative measures, improved regulations and inter-agency cooperation. While progress has been made in Indonesia, there are still challenges to overcome. The purpose of this study is to provide a more effective strategy in combating ML to protect the national economy.
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