Moral Education, Early Childhood, Teacher Exemplarity, Moral Development, Home-School CollaborationAbstract
Moral education in early childhood plays a crucial role in shaping positive character from an early age. The school environment, especially teachers, holds a vital role in this process. This study aims to analyze the relationship between teacher exemplary behavior in the school environment and the formation of morality in early childhood. This quantitative study with a correlational design involved 120 early childhood education students along with their parents and 30 teachers from three early childhood education institutions around Simalungun Regency. Data was collected through structured questionnaires to measure parents' perceptions of teacher exemplary behavior and teachers' assessments of children's moral development. Data analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation test.
The research results show a significant positive correlation between teacher exemplary behavior in the school environment and the formation of morality in early childhood (r = 0.68, p < 0.01). The higher the exemplary behavior exhibited by teachers, the better the moral development of children. This finding emphasizes the importance of teacher exemplary behavior in instilling moral values in children from an early age.
This research has practical implications for early childhood education institutions to improve the quality of teacher exemplary behavior through training and professional development. Additionally, collaboration with parents also needs to be enhanced to ensure consistency in the formation of children's morality in both home and school environments.
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