Author Guidelines
General Author Guidelines
1. Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian or English and have never been published or are in
the process of being submitted for publication to other media and do not contain elements of
plagiarism (maximum 30%);
2. Manuscripts can be in the form of research, case studies, or literature studies;
3. Authors must register as authors;
4. The manuscript must be typed in MS Office Word document format with Times New Roman, size 12 pt,
one and a half spacing, A4 paper between 4000-7000 words;
5. The manuscript is written using the Zotero or Mendeley reference manager application with
the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition format (full notes);
6. The manuscript will be published in At-Tabayyun: Journal of Islamic Law, Economics and Education
after being reviewed by peer-reviewers;
7. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Author Guidelines and the following Templates.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Manuscript structure
1. Title. The title should be short, clear and informative, but not exceed 15 words. It has to be
precise with the problem being discussed. The title of the article does not contain unusual
abbreviations. The main idea should be written down first and followed by an explanation;
2. Author's name and institution. The author's name must be accompanied by the author's
institution and email address, without academic degrees and positions;
3. Abstract. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. The abstract is made in one paragraph
consisting of background, objectives, research methods, results, conclusions;
4. Keywords. Include three to five related keywords specific to the article; but quite common in
subject disciplines; use lower case except for names (3-5 words/phrases);
5. Introductions. This section contains sufficient background and a short literature survey to
existing solutions/methods, to show which is the best of previous research, to point out the
main limitations of previous research, to show what you want to achieve (to overcome the
limitations of previous research) , and to demonstrate the scientific merit or novelty of this
paper. Avoid detailed literature surveys or summaries of results. In the end, the writer must
state the purpose of the article;
6. Method. The method contains an explanation of the research approach, research subjects,
research implementation procedures, use of materials and instruments, data collection, and
analysis techniques. This section should inform the reader about the types and methods used by
the author. In this section, avoid citing definitions directly from books or other sources;
7. Results and Discussion. Results should be clear and concise. The results should summarize
(scientific) findings rather than provide data in great detail. Please highlight any
differences between your results or findings and previous publications by other researchers.
Discussions should explore the significance of the work results, not repeat them. A combined
Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion
of published literature. In discussion, this is the most important part of your article.
Create a discussion according to the results, but don't repeat the results. It is often necessary
to start with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results). The
following components should be included in the discussion: How do your results relate to the
original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction (what) section? Do you provide a
scientific interpretation of any results or findings you present (why)? Are your results
consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or is there a difference?
This section can be supplemented with tables, figures, graphs or schematics. All tables, figures,
graphs or schematics must be centered, numbered sequentially (Table 1, Table 2, etc.), a name,
and must be presented above the table. Tables, figures, graphs or schematics must be mentioned
in the related text. This section is written using Times New Roman regular font size 12 pt
with 1.5 cm spacing. Meanwhile, writing tables/figures/graphics/schematics uses Times New Roman
Regular 11 pt font with single spacing;
8. Conclusion. Conclusions must address the research objectives and research findings.
This section must be written briefly, clearly and concisely based on research findings and
discussions presented in paragraph form (not numbers). Closing should not only contain
repetition of results and discussion or abstract. You must also suggest future research and
indicate ongoing research;
9. Acknowledgments (if any). In this section, you can acknowledge any support provided that
is not covered by the author contributions or funding sections. This may include administrative
and technical support, or in-kind donations (for example, materials used for experiments);
10. References. References listed in the "References" only contain sources referred to or
listed in the article. Writing techniques must use reference management applications such as
Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, Reference Manager, and the like to avoid typing errors and duplication
of references by selecting the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition type (full notes).
All reference sources must include 80% of relevant journal articles, proceedings or research
results published in the last five years.