Methods, Learning, Fiqh, Effectiveness, StudentsAbstract
Teaching fiqh in schools or madrasahs presents significant challenges for teachers in selecting and applying effective and efficient teaching methods. Fiqh, as a branch of Islamic knowledge, requires a deep understanding of Islamic laws derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah. The main objectives of fiqh education include comprehending Islamic teachings, applying Islamic laws in daily life, developing noble character, understanding fiqh principles, fostering discussion skills, and respecting diverse opinions within fiqh. Various teaching methods such as discussions, demonstrations, lectures, storytelling, resource persons, question-and-answer sessions, assignments, contextual approaches, problem-based learning, jigsaw learning, field trips, and joyful learning are necessary to ensure students understand and implement religious teachings effectively. The appropriate use of these methods makes the teaching-learning process engaging and interactive, facilitating students' absorption and practice of the knowledge imparted. In conclusion, fiqh education is not just about knowledge transfer but also character building, guiding students to become devout, morally upright individuals who contribute positively to society.
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