Financing, Sharia Banking, FinanceAbstract
Indonesia, as a non-industrial country, aims to realize a just and deeply prosperous society substantially. With the existing system, Indonesia attempts various measures to strengthen its economy and ensure even progress across the archipelago. The methodology employed in this research is qualitative methodology, an approach that deeply explores the understanding of specific phenomena, processes, or contexts through the collection and analysis of descriptive data. Banks play a crucial role in providing credit to various business sectors to drive economic growth, particularly in empowering small and medium-sized enterprises and supporting national development programs.Indonesia, as a non-industrial country, has the objective of achieving a just and profoundly prosperous society. With the existing system, Indonesia seeks to take various steps to bolster its economy and ensure uniform progress across the archipelago. State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are one of the primary drivers of the community's economy. The banking industry is part of the state-owned enterprise that supports the government's efforts to foster the economy, aside from fulfilling operational tasks to seek profits. The objective of Indonesia's banking sector is to support national development to enhance equality, economic growth, and national stability for the general welfare of society, as stipulated in Article 4 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking."
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